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Our Approach

CWB shows are adaptable, trauma-informed, and high-quality. (Oh, and they’re pretty hilarious, too!)

Clowns performing

What Happens at a CWB Show?

  • Step 1: A Parade!
  • Step 2: A Show!
  • Step 3: Workshops!
Group of kids around clowns

Hear the Clowns & Join ‘Em (...or Don’t!)

How would you feel if a bunch of clowns showed up unannounced to your backyard? Pretty weird, right?

We often start a show with a parade so that people have a chance to see us and decide whether or not they want to come see the show. No one is ever forced or obligated — attendance and participation are always audience-led!

kids putting on a performance under the supervision of a clown by balancing a plate on a stick

"Step Right Up, Step Right Up!"

And then the show begins! Not your typical circus performance or dazzling acrobatic delights, either. We flip the script — inviting kids from the audience to join us on stage as the undeniable stars of the show.

Clown with arm over shoulder of man

We often wrap up by offering workshops for professional artists looking to deepen their skills as well as for aid workers, teachers, and first responders. Not only for cultural and artistic exchange, these workshops help build community resilience long after we leave.

At the end of the day, our approach is simple: bring the most joy to the most people who need it most. (Now say that 10 times fast!)

What Our Approach Is Based On

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We hire paid performance artists (not volunteers!) because we take this work seriously. Our clowns are highly qualified professionals with training in cultural sensitivity and trauma-informed artistry.

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Even more important than our clowns being onstage, it’s important for a community to see their members on stage! These brave volunteers are never the butt of the joke — they become the star of the show.

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There’s no quid pro quo! We believe that everyone has the right (and the ability) to make their own decisions about the kind of performances they like or don’t like. If they’d rather leave a show and go play football, that’s fine by us!

People cheering icon

The Role of the Child

We lift kids up and return them to a child’s natural world of wonder, joy, and delight. Our performances are child-led because we want kids to continue taking the lead with play.

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The Ripple Effect

By leading workshops for educators and aidworkers, we’re helping them build the skills for community resilience through laughter — an impact that lasts long after the CWB troupe leaves.

We Go Where We’re Invited

A critical part of our approach is only going where we’re invited. We won’t ever show up at a random place and expect people to laugh with us. We work closely with local partners who know the community and are able to evaluate 1) whether their basic needs are met and 2) whether laughter would be welcome.

Clown clasping hand of man